Title: Éspece endemique de madagascar, (projet Recyclage) 3R Reduire, Reutiliser, Recycler
Category of the project: Visual arts
Realisation: May-June 2023
My method:
The 3R-method (Réduire-Réutiliser-Recycler) brings important environmental topics to the center of attention through the collection of what is responsible for the destruction of the environment: WASTE.
- By making pictures and short videos, such as the "endemic" animals here in Madagascar, e.g. the turtle, chameleon and lemur, I want to raise awareness for the ongoing extinction and the loss of biodiversity in Madagascar. Many species (98% of the flora and fauna) are endemic in Madagascar and can only be found there. I want to draw attention to these animals through my art practice, because they are very rare and unique to Madagascar and are also a symbol for the importance of protecting our ecosystem.
About the artworks:
-“Brookesia” is the name of a snake which can be found in Madagascar and is one of the smallest vertebrates in the world.
Its color is the same color as the one of dry leaves, which really helps it to hide. It is about 22mm long and it is found in dense forests.
- Tanalahy - Calumma parsonii parsonii or parson's cameleon: classified in the Chamaeleoninae family. It is one of the largest chameleons in Madagascar.
It is known that there are about 200 species in the world, but 90 of them are not found anywhere but in Madagascar. In April 2020, three new species were found in the East, Southeast and Avarat regions.
The Calumma parsonii parsonii has a length of up to 70cm, weighing up to 700g, its lifespan is about 12 years if it lives in a natural place.
Animals that crawl on the ground or saurian reptiles, insects or insects are their main food and they are also nocturnal animals.
- The turtle derives from the Astrochelys radiata or ray turtle family. It is also endemic and only exists in 9 remaining villages in Madagascar.
- Lemurs are somehow a symbol for Madagascar and many people associate them with our Island. I have chosen the Lemur Catta, the well known ring-tail-Lemur.
These animals were the ones that have inspired me for my artwork. I want to draw attention to these special creatures which are a treasure for Madagascar which is why they need to be protected in every way!
Congratulations to Andri Marcel for receiving the award "Best idea/ Best concept" in the "Ecological Education through Art Competition" facilitated by Mio e.V. and One World Lab e.V. for his achieving!